Will Your Children Receive Additional Benefits if You Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides financial assistance to individuals who have become disabled and are no longer able to work. If you become eligible for SSDI your dependent children also may also be eligible to receive additional family benefits based on your SSDI eligibility.

Your eligible child can be your biological child, adopted child, step-child or a dependent grandchild. To qualify, your child must be unmarried and either:

under the age of 18;

between the ages of 18 and 19 and still in high school; or

over the age of 18 and have a disability that started before the age of 22.

The amount of the dependent benefit is based on your own SSDI benefit amount. A child may receive up to 50% of your SSDI benefit. However, there is a limit to the amount of money in dependent benefits that can be paid out to any single family, which is known as the family maximum. The family maximum is typically between 150% and 180% of your SSDI benefit amount.

Normally, dependent benefits continue a child reaches age 18 (unless they also are disabled). However, if the child remains a full-time student, benefits may continue until the child graduates or until two months after the child becomes age 19, whichever is first.

When Can You Request Work Accommodations Under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)?

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers with 15 or more employees are required to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications to a job or work environment that enable an employee to perform the essential functions of the employment position. A reasonable accommodation may include job restructuring, part-time or modified work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position, or acquiring or modifying equipment. It does not typically require the elimination of an essential function of a job, the displacement of other employees, or the creation of a new light-duty job.

The ADA does not require employers to provide accommodations that would cause an undue hardship, which is defined as an action that requires significant difficulty or an unsustainable expense. Additionally, the ADA does not require employers to provide accommodations that would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others in the workplace.

The purpose and intent of reasonable accommodations is to provide employees with disabilities an equal opportunity to enjoy the privileges of employment when they are capable of performing the essential functions of a position. Some specific examples of reasonable accommodations might include:

• Installing a ramp to make a workplace wheelchair-accessible
• Modifying a restroom so a worker with disabilities can use it
• Allowing a flexible work schedule
• Reassigning a qualified employee to a vacant position

The exact procedure for requesting accommodations under the ADA may vary by employer, but the burden is upon the employee to initiate the request. Employees must request accommodations by informing their employer of their basic disability and the need for an accommodation. The request should be made in writing and should include a description of the accommodation needed.

Upon notice of the request, employers must engage in an “interactive process.” The interactive process involves a discussion between the employer and employee to identify the employee’s limitations and how they impact the employee’s ability to perform the job. If needed, the employer may request additional information from the employee’s healthcare provider to determine the medical and job related conditions. Although healthcare providers might suggest specific accommodations, employers are not required to provide the exact accommodation requested by the employee if there are other effective accommodations that also meet the employee’s needs.

Virginia Law to Strengthen Ban on Employment Contracts that Limit Disclosure of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.

Virginia code Section 40.1-28.01 currently prevents employers from using non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements to conceal the details of sexual assaults occurring in the workplace. As recently signed into law, the statute will be amended to include broader claims of sexual harassment. The modified statute also will void non-disparagement provisions that could be asserted to stifle free speech of victims of sexual assault or harassment. While “sexual assault” is already defined in various criminal statutes, the modified provision will apply the definition of “sexual harassment” found in Virginia Code Section 30-129.4, which states:

Sexual harassment” means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

The final version of the amendment does not go so far as to void provisions that limit the disclosure of other discrimination complaints.

Can you draw both SSDI and SSI Disability Benefits?

The two most common types of disability benefits in the United States are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). While both programs are administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), they have different eligibility requirements and provide different types of assistance.

One question that frequently arises is whether it is possible to receive both SSDI and SSI benefits at the same time. The answer is yes, but it is not common.

SSDI is a federal program that provides benefits to individuals who have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a qualified number of years but are now unable to work due to a disability. To be eligible for SSDI, a person must have a disability that is expected to last at least 12 months and prevent them from doing any substantial gainful activity. The amount of the monthly benefit is based on the person’s earnings and contributions over their working life.

SSI is a needs-based program that provides financial assistance to disabled individuals with limited income and resources. To be eligible for SSI, a person must have a disability that prevents them from doing any substantial gainful activity and meet strict household income and asset requirements.
If a person’s SSDI benefit falls below the federal maximum for SSI, they may be eligible to receive both benefits. This is known as “concurrent” SSDI/SSI benefits. However, it is important to note that receiving both SSDI and SSI benefits is not common. If a person is eligible for concurrent benefits, their SSI cannot exceed the federal benefit rate (FBR), which has been set at $914 for 2023. Accordingly, if someone’s SSDI payment falls below the FBR, they might qualify for additional SSI benefits up to that amount, provided they otherwise are eligible based on financial need requirements.

What is the difference between SSDI and SSI disability benefits?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers two types of disability benefit programs” Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). While both programs provide financial assistance to individuals with disabilities, they have different eligibility criteria and benefits.


The eligibility criteria for SSI and SSDI differ based on the applicant’s work history, income, and assets. SSDI benefits are available to individuals who have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a certain number of years. To qualify for SSDI, an applicant must have earned enough Social Security credits through their work history. The number of credits required depends on the applicant’s age at the time they became disabled. Generally, an applicant must have worked for at least five of the last ten years and earned a total of 20 quarterly credits to be eligible for SSDI. Your benefits are not limited by your assets or other household income.

For those individuals that lack work credits under SSDI, SSI benefits are available to persons with limited income and resources who are unable to work in any capacity due to a disability. Under SSI eligibility criteria, the SSA considers an applicant’s income and resources, including other household income, savings, investments, family contributions and property.


The benefits provided by SSI and SSDI also differ. SSDI benefits are based on the applicant’s work history and the amount of Social Security taxes they have paid over time. The amount of the monthly benefit payment varies based on the applicant’s earnings history.

In contrast, SSI benefits are based on a maximum federal benefit rate. As of 2022, the SSI cap is $794 per month for an individual. However, the actual benefit payment amount may be reduced based on an applicant’s other household income and resources.

If you’re your application for benefits has been denied, it is important to consult with an experienced disability attorney to determine your appeal options. My offices offers free case evaluations for Virginia residents. Call 804-440-6557 to schedule an initial consultation.

Can your employer prevent you from sharing wage information with others?

In the past, it was not uncommon for employers to enforce strict confidentiality policies that limited an employee’s ability to discuss their own wage or salary information with co-workers, presumably for the purpose of deterring requests for wage increases or concealing disparate pay structures.

Passed in 2020, Virginia Code Section 40.1-28.7:9 now holds that “no employer shall discharge from employment or take other retaliatory action against an employee because the employee (i) inquired about or discussed with, or disclosed to, another employee any information about either the employee’s own wages or other compensation or about any other employee’s wages or other compensation or (ii) filed a complaint with the Department alleging a violation of this section.” However, the law does specifically address restrictions on prior employees, thereby leaving open the issue of whether employers can enforce confidentiality provisions in settlement or severance agreements entered into post-termination.

On the national level, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) also prohibits employers from disciplining non-supervisory employees for discussing their pay with co-workers. The NLRA protects employees’ rights to engage in “protected concerted activities,” which includes discussing wages, benefits, and other working conditions with their colleagues.

In combination, these law provide protection for employees who discuss their wages with other employees, and employers who violate these protections can face legal consequences. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against for discussing their wages or for filing a complaint related to wage discrimination can file a complaint with the appropriate government agency or seek legal counsel.

Seizure first aid posters now required for some employers

Effective 2022, Virginia law now requires that employers of 25 or more employees post information on seizure first aid in a common area in the employer’s workplace. For the purposes of this section, “seizure first aid” means procedures to respond, attend, and provide comfort and safety to an individual suffering from a seizure. “Seizure first aid” does not include training to medically treat an individual suffering from a seizure. The poster can be downloaded from the Virginia Department of Labor at https://www.doli.virginia.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SFA-Flier_VALabor_8.5×11.pdf

Virginia employees now protected if they miss work to attend eviction proceedings.

A little known amendment to the Virginia code now affords employees a new basis for job protection in the event they are compelled to attend court for an unlawful detainer or eviction. It is now unlawful for an employer to “discharge [an employee] from employment or take any adverse personnel action against him as a result of his absence from employment due to appearing at any initial or subsequent hearing on such summons, provided that he has given reasonable notice of such hearing to his employer.” Although the statute does not specify a private cause of action, the established policy could be cited as a basis for wrongful discharge under Virginia common law, also known as a Bowman claim.

2023 Minimum Wage Increase

Historically, the Fair Labor Standards Act has created a national minimum wage for hourly employees. Though the federal minimum wage remains at $7.25 per hour, Virginia is now among the states that have set a higher minimum wage standard under state law. The Virginia Minimum Wage Act, passed in 2020, establishes incremental wage increases that will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026. Effective January 1, 2023 the minimum wage in Virginia increases to $12 per hour. Absent amendments to the law, the next increase will occur in January 2025. Virginia law adopts federal exemptions under the FLSA and also includes its own exceptions, such a babysitters working fewer than 10 hours per week, students participating in a bona fide educational programs, golf caddies, taxicab drivers and persons employed in summer camps for children.

Are Non-Competes Enforceable in Virginia?

For years, companies have required that new employees sign covenants not to complete as a way blocking them from seeking work with competitors. If taken to an extreme, these provisions can substantially limit employment opportunities for workers in their chosen field within their own locality. As of 2020, Virginia law now protects “low wage” employees from being restricted in their future employment.

As defined by the statute, a “covenant not to compete” means a covenant or agreement, including a provision of a contract of employment, between an employer and employee that restrains, prohibits, or otherwise restricts an individual’s ability, following the termination of the individual’s employment, to compete with his former employer. the new lay strictly prohibits employers from requiring or enforcing non-competes for low wages employees and provides a private cause of action for violations.

A “low wage employee” means an employee whose average weekly earnings are less than the average weekly wage of the Commonwealth as determined pursuant to subsection B of § 65.2-500. In 2022, that number was set at $1,290 or $67,080 annually.

Not everyone is covered by the new law. Besides those who earn in excess of the threshold, the law does not cover persons whose earnings are derived primarily from sales commissions, incentives, or bonuses paid to the employee by the employer. The law also does not apply retroactively to persons who signed non-competes prior to 2020.