Virginia Employment Lawyer and Social Security disability Attorney

Areas of Practice

Initial Consultations

If you would like to discuss your employment or disability related concerns, call 804-440-6557 to schedule an initial consultation. You will meet directly with attorney D. Scott Gordon for an extended evaluation of your issues, not an inexperienced paralegal.

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Business Employment Law Counseling

Employee Handbooks

As a business owner or officer, you certainly have many responsibilities and tasks to handle on a daily basis. One of the most important things you can do is to ensure that your company handbook is up to date and compliant with your practices, as well as relevant laws and regulations. A company handbook is a document that outlines the policies, procedures, expectations, and benefits of your organization. It can help you communicate your values, set clear expectations, prevent misunderstandings, and protect your business from legal risks.

Importantly, it is not advisable to simply copy and paste elements from sample handbooks. One size does not fill all. Creating and updating a company handbook requires research, knowledge of laws and regulations, and attention to detail. Hiring an experienced attorney to draft or review your company handbook will likely save you time, frustration and money in the long run. You are also more likely to avoid potential lawsuits, disputes or other penalties that may arise from having an outdated or non-compliant handbook. Finally, you can enhance your employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity by having a clear and fair handbook that reflects your values and vision of your business.

In particular, an attorney can assist with:

  • Reviewing the existing policies and procedures for inconsistencies, notable ommission or errors.
  • Updating the handbook to reflect the current laws and regulations relating to labor and employment law, discrimination, employee safety and the protection of intellectual property.
  • Drafting clear and concise language that is easy to understand and follow by your employees.
  • Ensuring that the handbook is consistent with your other employment practices, contracts, agreements, and other documents.
  • Providing advice and guidance on how to implement and enforce the handbook effectively.

If you are interested in hiring an attorney to draft or review your company handbook, please contact us today. We can help you create a handbook that suits your specific needs and goals. ...More